Achilles Tendonitis
Single-leg and explosive exercises to challenge tissue stability and endurance.
Achilles Tendon
- use lighter pressure
- use the corner of tool
- scrape on and around the tendon
- scrape for 30 seconds
- use strong pressure
- use the convex edge
- scrape for 30 seconds
- scrape the outside of lower leg
- use the concave edge
- scrape for 30 seconds
Soleus Hold
- knee over toes
- hold for 30 seconds on each foot
Single Leg Ankle Hops
- keep heel off of the ground
- hop for 30 seconds
Isometric Calf Raise
- up on both feet, hold on one foot
- hold for 30 seconds
Wall Squat Calf Raise
- slow on the down phase
- 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps